Under Their Thumb: How a Nice Boy from Brooklyn Got Mixed Up with the Rolling Stones (and Lives to Tell About it) by Bill German | Author Book Signing & Talk
Saturday, October 15, 2022
Join us an afternoon of insider-stories with Rolling Stones historian Bill German. His book, Under Their Thumb, chronicles his unlikely friendship with the Stones, forged when he was just a teenager. He traveled the world with them, stayed at their homes, witnessed their private jam sessions, decadent parties, and interpersonal struggles.
He'll share his fascinating and humorous stories with us on Saturday, October 15th, from 1pm - 3 pm. Each ticket purchase comes with an autographed copy of the book.
The event will include:
- Live talk with author Bill German- A photo display of rare Rolling Stones prints
- A signed copy of Under Their Thumb with each ticket purchase
- Refreshments
All photos courtesy of Bill German.