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Song Noir: Tom Waits and the Spirit of LA | Author Book Signing and Talk

Song Noir: Tom Waits and the Spirit of LA | Author Book Signing and Talk

Friday, August 26th 2022


The impact of Tom Waits's songwriting on American culture and popular music is immeasurable, and we're celebrating his legacy with a book signing of Song Noir: Tom Waits and the Spirit of Los Angeles by Alex Harvey.

The evening will begin with a live Q&A with Alex Harvey, author of Song Noir , and each ticket purchase comes with an autographed copy of the book. The evening will conclude with live music from Tree Adams and Friends, who will be covering Tom Waits favorites.

The event will include:

-  Live Q&A with author Alex Harvey
-  A photo display of rare Tom Waits prints
-  A signed copy of Song Noir with each ticket purchase
-  Live performance by Tree Adams and Friends
-  Refreshments

Featured Musicians:

-  Rich Ruttenberg- keys
-  Carl Sealove- bass
-  Wally Ingram- drums
-  David Ralicke- sax
-  Jordan Katz- trumpet

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